John Scott
Walking Thunder

John Scott - Walking Thunder

  • Release date: 1994
  • Genre: Soundtrack
  • Format: MP3
  • Duration: 1:01:37
  • *****
  • Added September 1, 2009
  • Played September 1, 2009
  • Rated September 1, 2009


1. Overturenot rated2:45
2. Main Titles - A Son's Sacrificenot rated2:46
3. Summer 1850not rated2:07
4. Strandednot rated5:38
5. Dark Wind Recounts The Legendnot rated2:29
6. Journey To Horsecreeknot rated6:55
7. Horsecreek Rendezvousnot rated6:16
8. Trouble In Horsecreeknot rated1:13
9. The Return Journeynot rated5:44
10. How To Survive With Naturenot rated2:12
11. Forest Secretsnot rated4:34
12. The Bad Bunchnot rated2:47
13. Utahnot rated1:40
14. A New Life - The Final Reckoningnot rated10:20
15. Dark Wind Fulfills His Destinynot rated1:34
16. The Legend Of Walking Thundernot rated2:37

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