Erich Wolfgang Korngold (16 albums)

Artist Title Format Released Rating Duration
Erich Wolfgang KorngoldANTHONY ADVERSECDnot rated1:13:17
Erich Wolfgang KorngoldAdventures of Robin Hood, TheCDnot rated42:40
Erich Wolfgang KorngoldAnthony AdverseMP31991**** 1/21:13:15
Erich Wolfgang KorngoldBetween Two WorldsMP31944not rated30:19
Erich Wolfgang KorngoldDEVOTIONCD1997not rated1:10:08
Erich Wolfgang KorngoldKings Row (1941)CD1979not rated48:08
Erich Wolfgang KorngoldKorngold Orchestral WorksM4Anot rated
Erich Wolfgang KorngoldKorngold: Much Ado About Nothing; Abschiedslieder; Einfache LiederMP32002not rated1:05:58
Erich Wolfgang KorngoldMagic FireMP31955*****52:44
Erich Wolfgang KorngoldRendez-vous with KorngoldMP3not rated
Erich Wolfgang KorngoldThe Adventures Of Robin Hood (Complete Score)MP31938not rated1:18:11
Erich Wolfgang KorngoldThe Prince and the PauperMP31937not rated1:04:51
Erich Wolfgang KorngoldThe Private Lives of Elizabeth & EssexCD1992not rated1:05:43
Erich Wolfgang KorngoldThe Sea HawkCDnot rated44:25
Erich Wolfgang KorngoldThe Warner Bros YearsMP31996not rated1:56:39
Erich Wolfgang KorngoldThe prince and the pauperCD1989not rated1:06:38