Complete list of chtefan's albums

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Artist Title Format Released Rating Duration
Jacob GrothMen Who Hate WomenMP32009*** 1/245:12
Jacob GrothThe Girl with the Dragon TattooMP32010**45:12
Jae-hwan JungArchLord Soundtrack CDMP32006**** 1/21:16:11
James CovellLeft Behind: The Original Motion Picture ScoreCD2000not rated49:14
James DooleyChristmas Coming SoonMP3****25:33
James DooleyEpic Mickey Original Game ScoreMP32010not rated1:04:21
James GalwayThe Enchanted Forest - Melodies of JapanMP31988not rated54:35
James GalwayWings Of SongMP32004not rated6:44
James Galway & The ChieftainsIn IrelandMP31990**** 1/255:56
James HanniganHarry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince (Video Game Soundtrack)MP33/17/2009****57:42
James HanniganHarry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince (Video Game Soundtrack)MP33/17/2009not rated49:48
James HanniganHarry Potter And The Order Of The PhoenixMP32007****1:13:42
James HanniganHarry Potter And The Order Of The PhoenixMP32007**** 1/250:49
James HanniganHarry Potter SuiteMP3**** 1/21:01:21
James HanniganRepublic - The RevolutionMP32003****50:59
James Horner48 Hrs - Another 48 HrsMP31982not rated36:56
James HornerA Beautiful MindMP32001****1:11:02
James HornerA Beautiful MindCD2002not rated1:11:09
James HornerA Far Off PlaceCDnot rated40:14
James HornerA Far Off Place (complete)MP3not rated1:14:59
James HornerAliens (Complete Score)MP3not rated1:52:50
James HornerAll The King's MenMP32006not rated
James HornerAmerican Tail 2: Fievel Goes WestMP31991not rated56:32
James HornerAn American TailMP31986****49:43
James HornerApocalyptoMP32006* 1/259:57

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