James Horner
Aliens (Complete Score)

James Horner - Aliens (Complete Score)

  • Genre: Other/Soundtrack
  • Format: MP3
  • Duration: 1:52:50
  • not rated
  • Added January 11, 2009
  • Played February 27, 2011


1. Main title - 5 11not rated5:11
2. Bad dreams (film) - 1 21not rated1:21
3. Dark discovery Newt's horror - 2 06not rated2:06
4. LV-426 - 2 03not rated2:03
5. We have a job to do - 3 23not rated3:23
6. The complex - 1 33not rated1:33
7. Atmosphere station - 3 09not rated3:09
8. The place is dead Med lab - 2 01not rated2:01
9. The Unknown Newt - 1 13not rated1:13
10. Sub-level 3 - 6 36not rated6:36
11. Ripley's rescue - 3 17not rated3:17
12. Face huggers - 4 25not rated4:26
13. Futile escape - 8 24not rated8:24
14. Newt is taken The elevator - 2 04not rated2:04
15. Going after Newt - 3 16not rated3:16
16. Finding the Queen - 1 43not rated1:44
17. Bishop's countdown - 2 49not rated2:49
18. Queen to Bishop - 2 30not rated2:30
19. Resolution & Hyperspace (alt)not rated6:44
1. - Main title extended - 6 24not rated6:24
2. - Bad dreams - 1 21not rated1:21
3. Bad dreams (alt)not rated1:23
4. - Dark discovery (film) - 1 54not rated1:54
5. - Combat drop alt I - 3 28not rated3:28
6. - Combat drop (alt II) - 3 27not rated3:27
7. Preparing for the drop (percussion)not rated3:22
8. LV-426 (alt edit-film)not rated1:12
9. - Ripley's rescue (alt) - 3 14not rated3:14
10. Ripley's rescue (percussion)not rated3:17
11. Futile escape (alt)not rated5:47
12. Bishop's countdown (alt)not rated3:25
13. - Queen to Bishop (alt) - 2 25not rated2:25
14. Hyperspace (alt ending)not rated1:55
15. - Resolution & Hyperspace alt - 6 27not rated6:26

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