Complete list of chtefan's albums

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Artist Title Format Released Rating Duration
Trevor RabinThe 6th Day (Expanded)MP3not rated
Trevor RabinThe Great RaidCD2005not rated48:46
Trevor RabinThe OneMP3not rated1:10:16
Trevor RabinThe Sorcerer ApprenticeMP3***44:45
Trevor RabinWhispers - An Elephant Tale ScoreMP32000not rated1:04:25
Tuluyhan UgurluIstanbul Kanatlarimin AltindaMP31996****54:36
Tuomas KantelinenArn-Knight TemplarMP32007****49:31
Tuomas KantelinenMongolMP32008not rated25:28
Two Steps From HellVolume OneMP32006not rated57:21
Tyler Bates300MP32007not rated59:44
Tyler BatesArmy of Two: The 40th DayMP32010** 1/253:04
Tyler BatesConan the barbarianMP32011***1:10:51
Tyler BatesThe Day The Earth Stood StillMP32008not rated52:44
Tyler BatesThe Rise of the ArgonautsMP32008*** 1/254:45
Tyler BatesThe WayMP32010*** 1/21:12:18
UnknownAuroraCDnot rated1:09:44
UnknownKing of Fighters 95/Potion 2CDnot rated1:15:49
UnknownSky PiratesCDnot rated37:00
Uuno KlamiMeet the ComposerMP3not rated
VABaantjerMP3not rated54:23
VACeltic ChristmasMP32008*****1:27:15
Valdimir CosmaMichael StrogoffMP31977not rated32:37
Vangelis1492 - Conquest Of ParadiseMP31992*** 1/22:02:59
VangelisAlbedo 0.39MP31976not rated2:27:13

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