Complete list of chtefan's albums

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Artist Title Format Released Rating Duration
Trevor JonesFields of FreedomMP32007not rated29:51
Trevor JonesFor RoseannaMP31997not rated41:27
Trevor JonesFrom HellMP3not rated1:08:03
Trevor JonesFromHellMP3not rated1:11:05
Trevor JonesG.I. Jane (Complete Score)MP3not rated1:17:23
Trevor JonesGulliver's TravelsMP3not rated
Trevor JonesHideaway [Complete]MP31995not rated1:42:19
Trevor JonesIn concertMP3not rated1:40:57
Trevor JonesIn the Name of the FatherMP31994not rated51:23
Trevor JonesKiss Of DeathMP31995not rated48:04
Trevor JonesLabyrinthMP31986not rated43:29
Trevor JonesLochNessMP3*****59:17
Trevor JonesMarvel Nemesis: Rise of the ImperfectsMP3not rated1:49:28
Trevor JonesmarvelnemesisMP3not rated46:46
Trevor JonesMerlinCD1998not rated1:13:37
Trevor JonesMightyMP3not rated1:07:05
Trevor JonesMississippi BurningMP3not rated41:15
Trevor JonesNate And HayesMP31983*** 1/239:42
Trevor JonesNotting Hill PromoMP3not rated35:08
Trevor JonesSea Of LoveMP31989not rated39:46
Trevor JonesThe Dark CrystalMP32003not rated1:52:06
Trevor JonesThe Last Days of PompeiMP3not rated38:43
Trevor JonesThe Last of the Mohicans (complete)MP31992not rated1:23:58
Trevor JonesThe Last Place On EarthMP3not rated43:53
Trevor JonesThe League Of Extraordinary GentlemenMP32003not rated54:35

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