Complete list of chtefan's albums

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Artist Title Format Released Rating Duration
Steve JablonskyThe Sims 3MP32009*** 1/249:57
Steve JablonskyTransformers (Promotional Score)MP32007not rated1:11:34
Steve JablonskyTransformers the GameMP32007not rated1:18:54
Steve JablonskyTransformers-Dark Of The MoonMP32011****1:01:11
Steve JablonskyTransformers: Revenge Of The FallenMP32009*** 1/243:56
Steve JablonskyYour HighnessMP32011***1:00:05
Steve JablonskyYour Highness [Recording Sessions]MP3**** 1/21:13:43
Steve RoachDynamic StillnessMP32009**2:25:43
Steve WoodEverestMP3not rated39:40
Steve WoodGreeceMP32006not rated53:58
Steve WoodJourney Into Amazing CavesMP32001**** 1/242:06
Steve WoodThe Discoverers (IMAX)MP31993not rated34:37
Steven Kapp PerryFrom Cumorah's HillWMA1990not rated27:25
Steven Sharp NelsonSacred CelloMP3*****46:01
Steven von KampenDeep Space Nine: The FallenMP3***1:14:55
Stewart CopelandDead Like MeMP32003** 1/21:10:54
Stewart CopelandRapa NuiMP31994not rated40:17
Stewart CopelandThe Leopard SonMP3not rated35:52
Stravinsky/ProkofievSymphony in 3 Movements/Symphonic Suite of WaltzesCDnot rated56:09
Stu PhillipsBattlestar Galactica - 25th Anniversary EditionMP32003****46:03
Stu PhillipsBattlestar Galactica - Vol. 2MP3**** 1/21:31:58
Stu PhillipsBattlestar Galactica Vol. 1 Saga of a Star WorldMP31978not rated1:15:53
Stu PhillipsStu Phillips ConcertMP32009** 1/221:39
Stu PhillipsThe Stu Phillips Anthology: Battlestar Galactica - Vol 1MP32000not rated1:00:00
Stu PhillipsThe Stu Phillips Anthology: Battlestar Galactica - Vol 2MP32000not rated1:02:24

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