Steve Jablonsky
Your Highness

Steve Jablonsky - Your Highness

  • Release date: 2011
  • Genre: Soundtrack
  • Format: MP3
  • Duration: 1:00:05
  • ***
  • Added March 31, 2011
  • Played March 31, 2011
  • Rated March 31, 2011


1. Let Us Quest!not rated4:29
2. Isabel The Strongnot rated4:29
3. Goodbye My Tinysnot rated2:53
4. Best Mannot rated1:26
5. The Greatest Most Beautifullest Love Song In All The Landnot rated1:33
6. The Virgin Is Pluckednot rated3:03
7. Not In My Castlenot rated1:42
8. Leezar's Date, Belladonna's Hatenot rated1:21
9. Playful Secrets!not rated1:52
10. Mean Knights And Horsies O' My!not rated3:15
11. Here Come The Marteeteenot rated2:27
12. A Fistful Of Snakesnot rated1:47
13. Isabel Thrashesnot rated2:36
14. Muldiss Darton, City Of Lorenot rated1:38
15. The Same Betrayal As Beforenot rated0:58
16. Labyrinths And Humpsnot rated5:21
17. Kill-Trophy And the Warrior's Birthnot rated1:44
18. The Effeningnot rated1:02
19. Tis I, Thadeous The Heronot rated1:56
20. Heroes Unitenot rated1:05
21. Orgy Of Violencenot rated6:35
22. 'Til We Meet Againnot rated1:50
23. Way Of The Warriorsnot rated1:11
24. Thadeousnot rated3:52

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