Complete list of chtefan's albums

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Artist Title Format Released Rating Duration
Patrick WilliamsCubaMP31979*****36:49
Patrick WilliamsGrass HarpMP3****27:15
Patrick WilliamsJesus: The Epic Mini-Series [Original Score]MP32000*****48:06
Patrick WilliamsLa Bibbia: SalomoneMP31998****54:16
Patrick WilliamsPW ThemeMP3not rated42:34
Patrick WilliamsThe One and OnlyMP3not rated33:43
Patrick WilliamsThresholdMP3not rated37:13
Paul GrabowskyNoah's ArkMP31999not rated58:47
Paul HaslingerInto_The_Blue__PromoMP3not rated21:53
Paul HaslingerThe Three MusketeersMP32011***45:15
Paul HaslingerUnderword: The Rise of The LycansMP32009*** 1/236:27
Paul KoulakFort BoyardMP31999*** 1/21:07:40
Paul SauvanetNomad The WarriorMP32007not rated1:11:08
Paul SpaethCobalt BlueMP32001*****45:38
Paul SpaethRedemptionMP32011*****52:57
Paul SpaethThe Lost CollectionMP32004****1:13:44
Paul Spaethwww.paulspaeth.comMP3not rated11:56
Paul SpurrierPiCDnot rated52:20
Pawel BlaszczakCall of Juarez: The CartelMP32011***57:03
Peer RabenLili MarleenMP3not rated34:46
Peer RabenThe music from Rainer Werner FassbinderCD1997not rated56:56
Peter AlexanderWeihnachten mit Peter AlexanderMP31985*****45:41
Peter BernsteinRough RidersCDnot rated53:57
Peter Buffett500 Nations: A Musical JourneyMP31994**** 1/27:12
Peter KaterElement Series: AirMP32005*****1:06:34

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