Patrick Williams
Grass Harp

Patrick Williams - Grass Harp

  • Genre: Soundtrack
  • Format: MP3
  • Duration: 27:15
  • ****
  • Added May 1, 2009
  • Played May 1, 2009
  • Rated May 1, 2009


1. Main Titlenot rated1:57
2. Goodbye Dadnot rated3:24
3. The Treehousenot rated2:24
4. The Proposalnot rated1:41
5. Here They Comenot rated2:10
6. Listen To The Grassnot rated1:45
7. Moonlightnot rated2:14
8. Shot Downnot rated1:59
9. A heartfelt Talknot rated3:08
10. May I Go With You ?not rated1:37
11. Look Insidenot rated2:44
12. Dolly's Gift Of Lovenot rated2:12

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