Complete list of chtefan's albums

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Artist Title Format Released Rating Duration
Klaus BadeltThe Poseidon (Complete)MP32006not rated1:50:59
Klaus BadeltThe PromiseMP32005not rated1:13:39
Klaus BadeltThe Recruit (complete)MP32003not rated
Klaus BadeltThe Scorpion King 2MP32008not rated1:33:07
Klaus BadeltTime Machine (complete)MP3*****1:11:01
Klaus BadeltX-Men 2 [Rejected Score]MP32003not rated8:32
Klaus DoldingerThe Never Ending StoryMP31984****41:26
Klaus DoldingerThe Neverending StoryMP3not rated36:42
Klaus DoldingerThe Neverending StoryMP3*** 1/21:06:02
Klaus Doldinger & Giorgio MoroderThe Never Ending StoryMP31984not rated36:34
Knut Avenstroup HaugenAge of ConanMP32008not rated1:11:49
Koh OhtaniShadow Of The ColossusMP32005****1:15:48
Koh OhtaniWander And The Colossus - Roar Of The EarthMP32005not rated1:15:36
Koichi SugiyamaDragon Quest I.II Symphonic SuiteMP31994not rated1:03:00
Koichi SugiyamaDragon Quest VIII Symphonic SuiteMP32005not rated1:22:39
Koichi SugiyamaGodzilla vs BiollanteMP3not rated
Koichi SugiyamaWind Ensemble "Dragon Quest" Part.IMP32010****1:00:59
Koji KondoLegend Of Zelda Ocarina of TimeMP3not rated43:11
Koji KondoThe Legend of Zelda 25th Anniversary SymphonyMP32011*****49:42
Koji Kondozelda Hyrule SymphonyMP31999not rated42:45
Korzynski, AndrzejMusic To The Films Of Andrzej WajdaCDnot rated1:17:28
KrullLimited Edition [2CD]MP3*****1:39:36
Krzesimir DebskiOgniem I MieczemMP31999*****1:12:11
Krzesimir DebskiOgniem i mieczemCD1999not rated1:12:23
Kurt BestorInnovatorsCD1995not rated57:11

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