1. Flug Auf Dem Glücksdrachen [Bastian's Happy Flight] | not rated | 3:15 |
2. Die Unendliche Geschichte [Title Music] | not rated | 2:47 |
3. Im Haulewald [In The Howling Forest] | not rated | 3:04 |
4. Der Elfenbeinturm [The Ivory Tower] | not rated | 1:57 |
5. Atréju's Berufung - Auryn Thema [Atreju's Quest] | not rated | 2:50 |
6. Phantásien [Fantasia] | not rated | 0:54 |
7. Artax's Tod [Artax's Death] | not rated | 3:15 |
8. Die Sümpfe Der Traurigkeit [Theme Of Sadness] | not rated | 2:42 |
9. Atréju's Flug [Atreju Meets Falkor] | not rated | 2:31 |
10. Die Uralte Morla [The Ancient Morla] | not rated | 2:30 |
11. Das Südliche Orakel [The Southern Oracle] | not rated | 3:22 |
12. Die Drei Magischen Tore [The Three Magical Doors] | not rated | 2:37 |
13. Spukstadt [Gmork] | not rated | 1:38 |
14. Flug Zum Elfenbeinturm [Flight To The Ivory Tower] | not rated | 3:05 |
15. Mondenkind [Moonchild] | not rated | 1:22 |
16. Die Kindliche Kaiserin [The Auryn] | not rated | 2:17 |
17. Flug Auf Dem Glücksdrachen (Schlusstitel) | not rated | 1:20 |
| 41:26 |
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