Artist![]() |
Title | Album | Duration | Rating | Format | Released |
Screaming Trees | Strange Out Here | Clairvoyance | not rated | MP3 | 1986 | |
Screaming Trees | Subtle Poison | buzz factory | 3:51 | not rated | MP3 | |
Screaming Trees | Sworn And Broken | Dust | 3:34 | not rated | MP3 | 1996 |
Screaming Trees | Tales Of Brave Aphrodite | Polly Pereguin | 2:57 | not rated | MP3 | 1988 |
Screaming Trees | Tales Of Brave Ulysses | Caras | 3:08 | not rated | MP3 | 2000 |
Screaming Trees | The Looking Glass Cracked | buzz factory | 3:36 | not rated | MP3 | |
Screaming Trees | The Pathway | Even if and especially when | 3:26 | not rated | MP3 | 1991 |
Screaming Trees | The Second I Awake | Invisible Lantern | 3:02 | not rated | MP3 | |
Screaming Trees | The Secret Kind | Sweet Oblivion | 3:08 | not rated | MP3 | |
Screaming Trees | The Turning | Other Worlds | 2:46 | not rated | MP3 | 1991 |
Screaming Trees | The Turning | Clairvoyance | 2:46 | not rated | MP3 | 1986 |
Screaming Trees | Time for Light | Uncle Anesthesia | 3:50 | not rated | MP3 | 1991 |
Screaming Trees | Time Speaks Her Golden Tongue | Change Has Come | 3:36 | not rated | MP3 | 1988 |
Screaming Trees | Tomorrow Changes | Unreleased Album | 3:56 | not rated | MP3 | 1998 |
Screaming Trees | Tomorrow's Dream | Caras | 4:17 | not rated | MP3 | 2000 |
Screaming Trees | Too Far Away | buzz factory | 3:37 | not rated | MP3 | |
Screaming Trees | Transfiguration | Even if and especially when | 3:55 | not rated | MP3 | 1991 |
Screaming Trees | Traveler | Dust | 5:22 | not rated | MP3 | 1996 |
Screaming Trees | Troubled Times | Sweet Oblivion | 5:20 | not rated | MP3 | |
Screaming Trees | Uncle Anesthesia | Nearly lost you | 3:52 | not rated | MP3 | |
Screaming Trees | Uncle Anesthesia | Something About Today | 3:52 | not rated | MP3 | 1990 |
Screaming Trees | Uncle Anesthesia | Uncle Anesthesia | 3:52 | not rated | MP3 | 1991 |
Screaming Trees | Walk Through to This Side | Invisible Lantern | 2:34 | not rated | MP3 | |
Screaming Trees | Wasted Time | Caras | 3:54 | not rated | MP3 | 2000 |
Screaming Trees | Where the Twain Shall Meet | buzz factory | 3:28 | not rated | MP3 |