Complete list of chico's songs

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Artist Title Album Duration Rating Format Released
Screaming TreesStrange Out HereClairvoyancenot ratedMP31986
Screaming TreesSubtle Poisonbuzz factory3:51not ratedMP3
Screaming TreesSworn And BrokenDust3:34not ratedMP31996
Screaming TreesTales Of Brave AphroditePolly Pereguin2:57not ratedMP31988
Screaming TreesTales Of Brave UlyssesCaras3:08not ratedMP32000
Screaming TreesThe Looking Glass Crackedbuzz factory3:36not ratedMP3
Screaming TreesThe PathwayEven if and especially when3:26not ratedMP31991
Screaming TreesThe Second I AwakeInvisible Lantern3:02not ratedMP3
Screaming TreesThe Secret KindSweet Oblivion3:08not ratedMP3
Screaming TreesThe TurningOther Worlds2:46not ratedMP31991
Screaming TreesThe TurningClairvoyance2:46not ratedMP31986
Screaming TreesTime for LightUncle Anesthesia3:50not ratedMP31991
Screaming TreesTime Speaks Her Golden TongueChange Has Come3:36not ratedMP31988
Screaming TreesTomorrow ChangesUnreleased Album3:56not ratedMP31998
Screaming TreesTomorrow's DreamCaras4:17not ratedMP32000
Screaming TreesToo Far Awaybuzz factory3:37not ratedMP3
Screaming TreesTransfigurationEven if and especially when3:55not ratedMP31991
Screaming TreesTravelerDust5:22not ratedMP31996
Screaming TreesTroubled TimesSweet Oblivion5:20not ratedMP3
Screaming TreesUncle AnesthesiaNearly lost you3:52not ratedMP3
Screaming TreesUncle AnesthesiaSomething About Today3:52not ratedMP31990
Screaming TreesUncle AnesthesiaUncle Anesthesia3:52not ratedMP31991
Screaming TreesWalk Through to This SideInvisible Lantern2:34not ratedMP3
Screaming TreesWasted TimeCaras3:54not ratedMP32000
Screaming TreesWhere the Twain Shall Meetbuzz factory3:28not ratedMP3

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