Complete list of chico's songs

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Artist Title Album Duration Rating Format Released
Screaming TreesOther Days and Different PlanetsEven if and especially when3:14not ratedMP31991
Screaming TreesOther WorldsOther Worlds2:39not ratedMP31991
Screaming TreesPolly PereguinPolly Pereguin4:46not ratedMP31988
Screaming TreesPsychoCaras3:03not ratedMP32000
Screaming TreesRevelation Revolutionbuzz factory2:43not ratedMP3
Screaming TreesRevelatorUnreleased Album4:38not ratedMP31998
Screaming TreesScreaming Trees - Caras B y Rarezas - Dollar Bill (Acoustic)Caras4:55not ratedMP32000
Screaming TreesScreaming Trees - Caras B y Rarezas - Feathered FishCaras2:09not ratedMP32000
Screaming TreesScreaming Trees - Caras B y Rarezas - FreedomCaras12:33not ratedMP32000
Screaming TreesScreaming Trees - Other Worlds EP - 02 Pictures In My MindOther Worlds2:00not ratedMP31991
Screaming TreesSea BabiesPolly Pereguin2:43not ratedMP31988
Screaming TreesSeeing and BelievingClairvoyancenot ratedMP31986
Screaming TreesShadow of the seasonNearly lost you4:34not ratedMP3
Screaming TreesShadow Of The SeasonSweet Oblivion4:34not ratedMP3
Screaming TreesShadow SongInvisible Lantern4:19not ratedMP3
Screaming TreesShe KnowsInvisible Lantern2:18not ratedMP3
Screaming TreesSilver TongueCaras6:06not ratedMP32000
Screaming TreesSmoke RingsInvisible Lantern3:45not ratedMP3
Screaming TreesSomething about todayNearly lost you3:03not ratedMP3
Screaming TreesSomething About TodayUncle Anesthesia3:02not ratedMP31991
Screaming TreesSomething About Today (Numb InSomething About Today3:36not ratedMP31990
Screaming TreesSong Of A BakerCaras3:41not ratedMP32000
Screaming TreesStanding On The EdgeClairvoyance5:43not ratedMP31986
Screaming TreesStory of Her FateUncle Anesthesia1:40not ratedMP31991
Screaming TreesStraight Out To Any PlaceEven if and especially when2:02not ratedMP31991

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