Complete list of bunchie's songs

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Artist Title Album Duration Rating Format Released
Otis ReddingMr PitifulComplete Stax-Volt Singles (1959-1968 - Disc 4 of 9)2:44not ratedMP31991
Otis ReddingMy PrayerComplete Stax-Volt Singles (1959-1968 - Disc 6 of 9)3:12not ratedMP31966
Otis ReddingPain In My HeartComplete Stax-Volt Singles (1959-1968 - Disc 3 of 9)2:25not ratedMP31964
Otis ReddingRespectComplete Stax-Volt Singles (1959-1968 - Disc 5 of 9)2:10not ratedMP31966
Otis ReddingSatisfactionComplete Stax-Volt Singles (1959-1968 - Disc 5 of 9)2:47not ratedMP31966
Otis ReddingSecurityComplete Stax-Volt Singles (1959-1968 - Disc 3 of 9)2:37not ratedMP31964
Otis ReddingShakeComplete Stax-Volt Singles (1959-1968 - Disc 7 of 9)2:36not ratedMP31967
Otis ReddingThat's How Strong My Love IsComplete Stax-Volt Singles (1959-1968 - Disc 4 of 9)2:25not ratedMP31991
Otis ReddingThat's What My Heart NeedsComplete Stax-Volt Singles (1959-1968 - Disc 2 of 9)2:42not ratedMP31963
Otis ReddingThe Happy Song (Dum Dum)Complete Stax-Volt Singles (1959-1968 - Disc 9 of 9)2:44not ratedMP31968
Otis ReddingThese Arms Of MineComplete Stax-Volt Singles (1959-1968 - Disc 2 of 9)2:33not ratedMP31963
Otis ReddingThese Arms Of MineDirty Dancing, More ...2:29not ratedMP31990
Otis ReddingTry A Little TendernessThe Incredible Soul Collection - Disc 13:21not ratedMP32003
Otis ReddingTry A Little TendernessComplete Stax-Volt Singles (1959-1968 - Disc 6 of 9)3:21not ratedMP31966
Otis RushI Can't Quit You BabyBlues Legends [Time Life Music]2:59not ratedWMA
Otis RushI Got My Mojo Working2004 March7:09not ratedMP32004
Otis TaylorBoy Plays Mandolin2006 January-February4:01not ratedMP32006
Otis TaylorFeel Like LightningAugust 2005 August4:54not ratedMP32005
Otis TaylorMama's Selling Heroin2004 August3:56not ratedMP32004
Ownertows_americassongDocuments4:44not ratedMP3
Pace, Pastor Murphy III & The Voices Of PowerShine on MeSongs Mama Used to Sing [Blackberry]5:50not ratedWMA1994
Pamela RoseLover Come Back To Me2006 July3:39not ratedMP32006
Pamela WilliamsAfterglow2004 February4:01not ratedMP32004
Papa Reu/SolangeDon't Fight The Feeling -Solange Feat. Papa ReuThe Fighting Temptations -Music From The Motion Picture2:26not ratedWMA2004
ParamoreCrushcrushcrushRiot!3:09not ratedM4P6/12/2007

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