Complete list of bunchie's songs

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Artist Title Album Duration Rating Format Released
soundsSqueak2Speaks0:00not ratedMP3
SOUNDSstreamAMBIENT0:02not ratedWAV
SOUNDSsworddropITEMS0:00not ratedWAV
SOUNDSswordgetITEMS0:00not ratedWAV
SOUNDSswordswingBATTLE0:00not ratedWAV
SOUNDStorchAMBIENT0:01not ratedWAV
SOUNDSwater1AMBIENT0:03not ratedWAV
SOUNDSweaponrack1ITEMS0:00not ratedWAV
SOUNDSweaponrack2ITEMS0:00not ratedWAV
SOUNDSwebSPELLS0:01not ratedWAV
SOUNDSwooddropITEMS0:00not ratedWAV
SOUNDSwoodflesh1BATTLE0:00not ratedWAV
SOUNDSwoodflesh2BATTLE0:00not ratedWAV
SOUNDSwoodflesh3BATTLE0:00not ratedWAV
SOUNDSwoodgetITEMS0:00not ratedWAV
SOUNDSwoodsAMBIENT0:07not ratedWAV
SOUNDSwoods2AMBIENT0:05not ratedWAV
Sounds of Blackness1st Movement - Rhapsody in Reality: Sweet Spiritual Suite in Eb, Pt. 1Soul Symphony0:39not ratedWMA2002
Sounds of Blackness1st Movement - Rhapsody in Reality: Don't You Ever Give UpSoul Symphony3:56not ratedWMA2002
Sounds of Blackness1st Movement - Rhapsody in Reality: Heaven on EarthSoul Symphony3:08not ratedWMA2002
Sounds of Blackness2nd Movement - Duet of Days: Another DaySoul Symphony4:30not ratedWMA2002
Sounds of Blackness2nd Movement - Duet of Days: Brighter DaySoul Symphony3:52not ratedWMA2002
Sounds of Blackness2nd Movement - Duet of Days: Movin' OnSoul Symphony3:26not ratedWMA2002
Sounds of Blackness3rd Movement - Ode to Old School: Real True LoveSoul Symphony4:10not ratedWMA2002

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