Complete list of bunchie's songs

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Artist Title Album Duration Rating Format Released
MarvelettesThe StrangerSophisticated Soul / The Marvellettes3:04not ratedMP31986
MarvelettesTie A String Around Your FingerDeliver: The Singles (1961-1971), Vol. 12:54not ratedMP31993
MarvelettesTonight Was Made For LOveSophisticated Soul / The Marvellettes2:52not ratedMP31986
MarvelettesToo Hurt To Cry, Too Much In Love To Say GoodbyeDeliver: The Singles (1961-1971), Vol. 12:20not ratedMP31993
MarvelettesToo Many Fish in the SeaDeliver: The Singles (1961-1971), Vol. 12:31not ratedMP31993
MarvelettesTwistin' PostmanDeliver: The Singles (1961-1971), Vol. 12:32not ratedMP31993
MarvelettesWhat's Easy For Two Is Hard For OneDeliver: The Singles 1961-1971, Vol. 22:44not ratedMP31993
MarvelettesWhat's Easy For Two is Hard For OneSophisticated Soul / The Marvellettes2:44not ratedMP31986
MarvelettesWhen I Need YouSophisticated Soul / The Marvellettes3:14not ratedMP31986
MarvelettesWhen You're Young and In LoveSophisticated Soul / The Marvellettes2:42not ratedMP31986
MarvelettesWhen You're Young And In LoveDeliver: The Singles 1961-1971, Vol. 22:43not ratedMP31993
MarvelettesYou're My RemedyDeliver: The Singles (1961-1971), Vol. 13:06not ratedMP31993
MarvelettesYou're The OneDeliver: The Singles 1961-1971, Vol. 22:51not ratedMP31993
MarvelettesYou're The OneSophisticated Soul / The Marvellettes2:50not ratedMP31986
MarvelettesYou're The One For Me, BobbySophisticated Soul / The Marvellettes2:36not ratedMP31986
MarvelettesYour Cheating WaysDeliver: The Singles 1961-1971, Vol. 23:01not ratedMP31993
MarvelettesYour Love Can Save MeSophisticated Soul / The Marvellettes2:41not ratedMP31986
Marvin Gaye"T" Plays It CoolThe Funk Box - Disc 1 of 44:29not ratedMP32000
Marvin Gaye"T" Plays It CoolFour Brothers [Original Soundtrack]4:23not ratedWMA2005
Marvin Gaye'Til TomorrowLove Songs [Columbia/Legacy]4:57not ratedWMA2003
Marvin GayeAfter The DanceSoul Classics - Quiet Storm The 70's3:29not ratedMP31996
Marvin GayeAfter The DanceMarvin Gaye Live5:59not ratedWMA2005
Marvin GayeAfter The Dance (Interlude)Marvin Gaye Live1:22not ratedWMA2005
Marvin GayeAfter the Dance [Instrumental]I Want You4:25not ratedWMA1976
Marvin GayeAfter the Dance [Vocal Version]I Want You4:39not ratedWMA1976

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