Complete list of bunchie's songs

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Artist Title Album Duration Rating Format Released
Kendricks, EddieOn My Way HomeThe Thin Man The Motown Solo Albums, Vol. 2 - (Disc 2 of 3)2:53not ratedMP32006
Kendricks, EddieOne TearKeep On Truckin' - The Motown Solo Albums, Vol. 1 - Disc 24:08not ratedMP32005
Kendricks, EddieOne TearMusic4:08not ratedMP3
Kendricks, EddieOnly Room For TwoMusic3:13not ratedMP3
Kendricks, EddieOnly Room For TwoKeep On Truckin' - The Motown Solo Albums, Vol. 1 - Disc 23:13not ratedMP32005
Kendricks, EddiePlease Don't Go AwayKeep On Truckin' - The Motown Solo Albums, Vol. 1 - Disc 24:50not ratedMP32005
Kendricks, EddiePlease Don't Go AwayMusic4:50not ratedMP3
Kendricks, EddieShoeshine BoyMusic3:18not ratedMP3
Kendricks, EddieShoeshine BoyAt His Best3:14not ratedMP31978
Kendricks, EddieShoeshine BoyKeep On Truckin' - The Motown Solo Albums, Vol. 1 - Disc 23:18not ratedMP32005
Kendricks, EddieShoeshine BoyF003:14not ratedMP3
Kendricks, EddieSkeleton in you CLosetThe Thin Man The Motown Solo Albums, Vol. 2 - (Disc 2 of 3)2:33not ratedMP32006
Kendricks, EddieSkippin' Work TodayThe Thin Man The Motown Solo Albums, Vol. 2 - (Disc 1 Of 3)4:40not ratedMP32006
Kendricks, EddieSkippin' Work TodayMusic4:37not ratedMP3
Kendricks, EddieSkippin' Work TodayAt His Best4:37not ratedMP31978
Kendricks, EddieSomeday We'll Have A Better WorldPeople . . . Hold On (LP)3:48not ratedWAV
Kendricks, EddieSomedy We'll Have a Better WorldMusic3:46not ratedMP3
Kendricks, EddieSomedy We'll Have a Better WorldKeep On Truckin' - The Motown Solo Albums, Vol. 1 - Disc 13:46not ratedMP32005
Kendricks, EddieSomething Shady (Is Going On)The Thin Man The Motown Solo Albums, Vol. 2 - (Disc 3 of 3)6:18not ratedMP32006
Kendricks, EddieSomething's BurningKeep On Truckin' - The Motown Solo Albums, Vol. 1 - Disc 14:31not ratedMP32005
Kendricks, EddieSomething's BurningMusic4:31not ratedMP3
Kendricks, EddieSon Of SagittariusThe Thin Man The Motown Solo Albums, Vol. 2 - (Disc 1 Of 3)3:39not ratedMP32006
Kendricks, EddieSweet TenderoniThe Thin Man The Motown Solo Albums, Vol. 2 - (Disc 2 of 3)4:19not ratedMP32006
Kendricks, EddieTell Her Love Has Felt The NeedThe Thin Man The Motown Solo Albums, Vol. 2 - (Disc 1 Of 3)4:29not ratedMP32006
Kendricks, EddieThanks for the MemoriesThe Thin Man The Motown Solo Albums, Vol. 2 - (Disc 2 of 3)5:29not ratedMP32006

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