Complete list of bquam's songs

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Artist Title Album Duration Rating Format Released
Wayne ShorterNight DreamerNight Dreamer7:15not ratedCD1964
Wayne ShorterOn The Milky Way ExpressHigh Life5:35not ratedCDR/LS1995
Wayne ShorterOn Wings of SongBeyond the Sound Barrier4:35not ratedCDR2005
Wayne ShorterOrbitsAlegría6:09not ratedCDR3/25/2003
Wayne ShorterOriental Folk SongNight Dreamer6:50not ratedCD1964
Wayne ShorterOver Shadow Hill WayBeyond the Sound Barrier12:33not ratedCDR2005
Wayne ShorterPandora AwakenedHigh Life6:18not ratedCDR/LS1995
Wayne ShorterPegasusEmanon14:54not ratedCD box set2018
Wayne ShorterPenelopeEtcetera6:46not ratedCDR/LS1965
Wayne ShorterPlaygroundSchizophrenia6:22not ratedCDR/LS1967
Wayne ShorterPonta De AreiaNative Dancer5:18not ratedCDR/LS1975
Wayne ShorterPrometheus UnboundEmanon14:26not ratedCD box set2018
Wayne ShorterPrometheus UnboundEmanon8:19not ratedCD box set2018
Wayne ShorterSacajaweaAlegría7:40not ratedCDR3/25/2003
Wayne ShorterSchizophreniaSchizophrenia6:50not ratedCDR/LS1967
Wayne ShorterSerenataAlegría6:09not ratedCDR3/25/2003
Wayne ShorterShe Moves Through the FairAlegría4:39not ratedCDR3/25/2003
Wayne ShorterShe Moves Through The FairEmanon6:24not ratedCD box set2018
Wayne ShorterSmilin' ThroughBeyond the Sound Barrier11:52not ratedCDR2005
Wayne ShorterSpeak No EvilSpeak No Evil8:23not ratedCD1964
Wayne ShorterStormOdyssey Of Iska8:17not ratedCDR/LS1970
Wayne ShorterSuper NovaSuper Nova4:52not ratedCDR/LS1969
Wayne ShorterSwee-PeaSuper Nova4:37not ratedCDR/LS1969
Wayne ShorterTardeNative Dancer5:49not ratedCDR/LS1975
Wayne ShorterTeruAdam's Apple6:12not ratedCD1966

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