Complete list of bquam's songs

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Artist Title Album Duration Rating Format Released
Wayne ShorterHigh LifeHigh Life6:28not ratedCDR/LS1995
Wayne ShorterHouse of JadeJuJu6:52not ratedCD1964
Wayne ShorterHouse of Jade (Alternate Take)JuJu6:40not ratedCD1964
Wayne ShorterIndian SongEtcetera11:35not ratedCDR/LS1965
Wayne ShorterInfant EyesSpeak No Evil6:54not ratedCD1964
Wayne ShorterInterludeAlegría1:49not ratedCDR3/25/2003
Wayne ShorterJoanna's ThemeNative Dancer4:17not ratedCDR/LS1975
Wayne ShorterJoyOdyssey Of Iska8:59not ratedCDR/LS1970
Wayne ShorterJoy RyderBeyond the Sound Barrier11:19not ratedCDR2005
Wayne ShorterJuJuJuJu8:31not ratedCD1964
Wayne ShorterJuJu (Alternate Take)JuJu7:53not ratedCD1964
Wayne ShorterKryptoniteSchizophrenia6:29not ratedCDR/LS1967
Wayne ShorterLady DayThe Soothsayer5:36not ratedCDR/LS1965
Wayne ShorterLiliaNative Dancer7:01not ratedCDR/LS1975
Wayne ShorterLostThe Soothsayer7:20not ratedCDR/LS1965
Wayne ShorterLost And Orbits MedleyEmanon9:50not ratedCD box set2018
Wayne ShorterLotusEmanon15:16not ratedCD box set2018
Wayne ShorterLotusEmanon13:36not ratedCD box set2018
Wayne ShorterMahjongJuJu7:43not ratedCD1964
Wayne ShorterMayaHigh Life5:12not ratedCDR/LS1995
Wayne ShorterMephistophelesThe All Seeing Eye9:39not ratedCDR/LS1965
Wayne ShorterMidnight In Carlotta's HairHigh Life7:19not ratedCDR/LS1995
Wayne ShorterMiracle Of The FishesNative Dancer4:48not ratedCDR/LS1975
Wayne ShorterMiyakoSchizophrenia5:00not ratedCDR/LS1967
Wayne ShorterMore Than HumanSuper Nova6:12not ratedCDR/LS1969

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