Complete list of bquam's songs

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Artist Title Album Duration Rating Format Released
Tom HarrellThe VehicleSomething Gold, Something Blue4:27not ratedCD2016
Tom HarrellThereTrip7:09not ratedCD2014
Tom HarrellTime PassageMoving Picture4:56not ratedCD2017
Tom HarrellTime's MirrorUpswing7:34not ratedCDR/LS1993
Tom HarrellTouch the SkyPassages6:40not ratedCDR/LS1992
Tom HarrellTrain ShuffleUpswing10:26not ratedCDR/LS1993
Tom HarrellTrancesSomething Gold, Something Blue11:07not ratedCD2016
Tom HarrellTravelin'Something Gold, Something Blue7:10not ratedCD2016
Tom HarrellTune-A-TuneUpswing9:04not ratedCDR/LS1993
Tom HarrellUpswingUpswing8:58not ratedCDR/LS1993
Tom HarrellVelejar (Sail Away)Colors Of A Dream7:01not ratedCD2013
Tom HarrellVibrerMoving Picture11:52not ratedCD2017
Tom HarrellViewSomething Gold, Something Blue5:50not ratedCD2016
Tom HarrellVisions of GaudiVisions9:06not ratedCDR/LS1991
Tom HarrellVisions of GaudiSail Away9:05not ratedCDR/LS1989
Tom HarrellVistaForm10:10not ratedCDR/LS1990
Tom HarrellVoicesFirst Impressions8:14not ratedCD2015
Tom HarrellWalkwayColors Of A Dream6:43not ratedCD2013
Tom HarrellWeaverA Night of Chesky Jazz Live at Town Hall9:07not ratedCDR/LS1992
Tom HarrellWhat Will They Think Of Next?Wise Children9:37not ratedCDR/LS2003
Tom HarrellWindmillsTrip3:45not ratedCD2014
Tom HarrellWise ChildrenWise Children5:26not ratedCDR/LS2003
Tom HarrellYear Of The OxRoman Nights5:58not ratedCD2010
Tom Harrell QuintetBefore YouOpen Air7:29not ratedCDR/LS1987
Tom Harrell QuintetBouquetOpen Air6:47not ratedCDR/LS1987

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