Complete list of bquam's songs

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Artist Title Album Duration Rating Format Released
Tom HarrellCactusThe Time of the Sun6:28not ratedCD2011
Tom HarrellCircuitSomething Gold, Something Blue5:56not ratedCD2016
Tom HarrellCoastlineTrip6:10not ratedCD2014
Tom HarrellComing HomeTrip6:44not ratedCD2014
Tom HarrellCornationInfinity6:56not ratedCD2019
Tom HarrellCycleTrip6:10not ratedCD2014
Tom HarrellDancing TreesSail Away6:15not ratedCDR/LS1989
Tom HarrellDelta of the NileSomething Gold, Something Blue7:00not ratedCD2016
Tom HarrellDifferent CloudsMoving Picture5:00not ratedCD2017
Tom HarrellDream in JuneSail Away10:57not ratedCDR/LS1989
Tom HarrellDream TextThe Time of the Sun7:28not ratedCD2011
Tom HarrellDublinInfinity9:40not ratedCD2019
Tom HarrellDuetInfinity1:41not ratedCD2019
Tom HarrellEmergenceUpswing10:23not ratedCDR/LS1993
Tom HarrellEnchantedTrip2:53not ratedCD2014
Tom HarrellEonsSail Away6:53not ratedCDR/LS1989
Tom HarrellEstuaryThe Time of the Sun8:41not ratedCD2011
Tom HarrellEven IfColors Of A Dream4:58not ratedCD2013
Tom HarrellEverything I LoveVisions8:26not ratedCDR/LS1991
Tom HarrellExpresso BongoPassages8:00not ratedCDR/LS1992
Tom HarrellFamilyColors Of A Dream4:18not ratedCD2013
Tom HarrellFolk SongInfinity6:03not ratedCD2019
Tom HarrellFor Heaven's SakeForm7:01not ratedCDR/LS1990
Tom HarrellFour The MomentMoving Picture6:08not ratedCD2017
Tom HarrellGee, A. BeeMoving Picture5:33not ratedCD2017

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