Complete list of blackbiker's songs

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Artist Title Album Duration Rating Format Released
TherionMuspelheimSecret of the Runes2:14not ratedMP3
TherionMuspelheimLive Gothic2:47not ratedMP32008
TherionNifelheimSecret of the Runes4:36not ratedMP3
TherionNightside of EdenLive Gothic7:43not ratedMP32008
TherionNocturnal LightLeviathan5:38not ratedMP32021
TherionO FortunaMETALOWE3:26not ratedMP3
TherionO FortunaThe Best Of Gothic Rock3:23not ratedMP3
TherionO FortunaSecret of the Runes3:23not ratedMP3
TherionPazuzuLeviathan II4:27not ratedMP32022
TherionPazuzu (AOR Version)Leviathan II4:27not ratedMP32022
TherionPsalm of RetributionLeviathan5:03not ratedMP32021
TherionRise of Sodom and GomorrahLive Gothic6:47not ratedMP32008
TherionSchwarzalbenheimSecret of the Runes5:18not ratedMP3
TherionSchwarzalbenheimLive Gothic3:56not ratedMP32008
TherionSeawindsGothic Love Ballads4:22not ratedMP3
TherionSecret of the RunesSecret of the Runes5:31not ratedMP3
TherionSon of the Staves of TimeLive Gothic5:06not ratedMP32008
TherionSon Of The SunBeautiful Voices Vol 25:36not ratedMP32006
TherionSummer Night CityA Tribute To ABBA4:58not ratedMP3
TherionSummernight CitySecret of the Runes4:55not ratedMP3
TherionSummernight City [Abba]Metal Museum - Covered In Metal 24:50not ratedMP32006
TherionTen Courts of DiyuLeviathan5:29not ratedMP32021
TherionThe Blood of KinguLive Gothic5:56not ratedMP32008
TherionThe Falling StoneLive Gothic4:09not ratedMP32008
TherionThe Leaf on the Oak of FarLeviathan3:38not ratedMP32021

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