Complete list of blackbiker's songs

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Artist Title Album Duration Rating Format Released
TherionCavern Cold As IceLeviathan II3:25not ratedMP32022
TherionCodex GigasLeviathan II4:06not ratedMP32022
TherionCrying DaysSecret of the Runes4:32not ratedMP3
TherionDeggialLive Gothic5:02not ratedMP32008
TherionDie Wellen der ZeitLeviathan3:46not ratedMP32021
TherionDrum SoloLive Gothic4:05not ratedMP32008
TherionEl Primer SolLeviathan3:37not ratedMP32021
TherionEye of AlgolLeviathan4:03not ratedMP32021
TherionGinnungagapSecret of the Runes6:10not ratedMP3
TherionGinnungagapLive Gothic5:49not ratedMP32008
TherionGrand FinaleLive Gothic4:17not ratedMP32008
TherionGreat Marquis of HellLeviathan2:37not ratedMP32021
TherionHades And ElysiumLeviathan II4:22not ratedMP32022
TherionHelheimSecret of the Runes3:18not ratedMP3
TherionJotunheimSecret of the Runes3:43not ratedMP3
TherionLemuriaLive Gothic4:16not ratedMP32008
TherionLeviathanLeviathan4:01not ratedMP32021
TherionLitany Of The FallenLeviathan II4:11not ratedMP32022
TherionLjusalfheimThe Best Of Gothic Rock3:54not ratedMP3
TherionLjusalfheimSecret of the Runes3:54not ratedMP3
TherionLucifuge RofocaleLeviathan II4:43not ratedMP32022
TherionLunar Coloured FieldsLeviathan II5:40not ratedMP32022
TherionMarijin Min NarLeviathan II3:56not ratedMP32022
TherionMidgardSecret of the Runes5:04not ratedMP3
TherionMidnight StarLeviathan II4:42not ratedMP32022

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