Complete list of birdienumnums-vinyl's albums

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Artist Title Format Released Rating Duration
Violet WoodsViolet WoodsLP12/4/2014****36:38
VisageBeat Boy FOR SALELP1984****46:13
VisageFade To Grey (The Singles Collection) BLUE/PINK MARBLELP1983**** 1/245:37
VisageFade to Grey 7"7" Single1980****6:59
VisageMind of a Toy 7"7" Single1980****7:38
VisageThe AnvilLP3/1982**** 1/242:42
VisageVisage 7"7" Single1981****8:51
VisageVisage LPLP1980****39:04
VisageVisage LP (For Sale)LP1980****39:27
Voice Of The BeehiveLet It BeeLP1988not rated37:22
VuelvetelocaPanteraLP3/20/2015**** 1/240:47
VuelvetelocaSonoraLP2017**** 1/243:23
W.A.S.P.Animal (F**k Like A Beast)12" Single4/24/1984****6:50
Wailing SoulsBack A YardLP2/12/2021**** 1/2
Wailing SoulsFire House RockLP1981**** 1/240:17
Wailing SoulsInchpinchersLP1982**** 1/233:31
Wailing SoulsOn The RocksLP1983**** 1/235:42
Wake, TheTestament (Best Of)LP9/9/2014**** 1/21:35:11
Walk The MoonTalking Is HardLP12/2/2014not rated43:12
Walk The MoonTalking Is Hard (FOR SALE)LP12/2/2014not rated43:12
Wall of VoodooMexican Radio 7"7" Single1982** 1/29:55
Walter EganFundamental RollLP1977****40:02
Walter EganMagnet And Steel7" Single1978*****6:58
Walter EganMagnet And Steel7" Single1978*****6:58

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