Complete list of tony's songs

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Artist Label Title Album Released Duration Format
Howlin' WolfChessSitting On Top Of The WorldChess Blues19922:35CD box set
Howlin' WolfChessSmokestack Lightnin'Chess Blues19923:09CD box set
Howlin' WolfMCASmokestack Lightnin'His Best: Chess 20th Anniversay Collection19973:06CDR
Howlin' WolfHip-OSmokestack Lightnin'The Blues: A Musical Journey20033:08CD box set
Howlin' WolfChessSmokestack Lightnin'The Chess Box19913:083CD
Howlin' WolfMCA/ChessSmokestack Lightnin'Howlin' Wolf/Moanin' In The Moonlight19863:08CD
Howlin' WolfChessSmokestack LightningThe Blues - Volume 119633:03LP
Howlin' WolfMCA/ChessSomebody In My HomeHowlin' Wolf/Moanin' In The Moonlight19862:25CD
Howlin' WolfMCA/ChessSpoonfulHowlin' Wolf/Moanin' In The Moonlight19862:49CD
Howlin' WolfChessSpoonfulThe Blues - Volume 119632:45LP
Howlin' WolfMCASpoonfulHis Best: Chess 20th Anniversay Collection19972:42CDR
Howlin' WolfChessSpoonfulThe Chess Box19912:443CD
Howlin' WolfChessStreamline WomanThe Chess Box19912:453CD
Howlin' WolfChessTail DraggerThe Chess Box19912:573CD
Howlin' WolfChessTell MeThe Chess Box19912:583CD
Howlin' WolfMCA/ChessTell MeHowlin' Wolf/Moanin' In The Moonlight19862:58CD
Howlin' WolfChessTell Me What I've DoneThe Chess Box19912:493CD
Howlin' WolfChessThe Natchez Burnin'The Chess Box19912:093CD
Howlin' WolfChessThe Red RoosterThe Chess Box19912:273CD
Howlin' WolfMCA/ChessThe Red RoosterHowlin' Wolf/Moanin' In The Moonlight19862:29CD
Howlin' WolfChessThe Red RoosterChess Blues19922:28CD box set
Howlin' WolfShanachieThe Red RoosterThe Music Never Stopped - Roots Of The Grateful Dead19952:25CD
Howlin' WolfChessThe Red RoosterThe London Howlin' Wolf Sessions19893:59CD
Howlin' WolfMCAThe Red RoosterHis Best: Chess 20th Anniversay Collection19972:26CDR
Howlin' WolfChessThe Red RoosterHeavy Heads19672:28LP

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