Complete list of tony's songs

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Artist Label Title Album Released Duration Format
Howlin' WolfChessHowlin' Wolf Talks #4The Chess Box19910:263CD
Howlin' WolfChessI Ain't SuperstitiousThe Chess Box19912:533CD
Howlin' WolfMCAI Ain't SuperstitiousHis Best: Chess 20th Anniversay Collection19972:53CDR
Howlin' WolfChessI Ain't SuperstitiousThe London Howlin' Wolf Sessions19893:31CD
Howlin' WolfMCAI Asked For WaterHis Best: Chess 20th Anniversay Collection19972:49CDR
Howlin' WolfMCA/ChessI Asked For WaterHowlin' Wolf/Moanin' In The Moonlight19862:52CD
Howlin' WolfChessI Asked For WaterThe Chess Box19912:493CD
Howlin' WolfChessI Better Go NowThe Chess Box19912:433CD
Howlin' WolfChessI Didn't KnowThe Chess Box19912:363CD
Howlin' WolfCSII Didn't Mean To Hurt Your FeelingsIn Concert19935:35CD
Howlin' WolfPrestigeI Didn't Mean To Hurt Your FeelingsIn Concert19975:36CD
Howlin' WolfFourmattI Walked From DallasHowlin' Wolf20023:08CD
Howlin' WolfChessI Walked From DallasThe Chess Box19913:153CD
Howlin' WolfTKOI Walked From DallasBlues Juke Box Hits20003:024CD
Howlin' WolfChessI'll Be AroundThe Chess Box19913:133CD
Howlin' WolfMCA/ChessI'm Leavin' YouHowlin' Wolf/Moanin' In The Moonlight19863:01CD
Howlin' WolfChessI'm The WolfThe Chess Box19912:523CD
Howlin' WolfChessI'm The Wolf (acoustic solo)The Chess Box19915:083CD
Howlin' WolfChessI've Been AbusedThe Chess Box19912:383CD
Howlin' WolfChessJust Like I Treat YouThe Chess Box19912:573CD
Howlin' WolfChessJust My KindThe Chess Box19913:023CD
Howlin' WolfChessKilling FloorThe Chess Box19912:503CD
Howlin' WolfFourmattKilling FloorHowlin' Wolf20023:24CD
Howlin' WolfHip-OKilling FloorThe Blues: A Musical Journey20032:50CD box set
Howlin' WolfMCAKilling FloorHis Best: Chess 20th Anniversay Collection19972:49CDR

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