Complete list of zygaena's songs

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Artist Title Album Duration Rating Format Released
PlaceboProtege MoiOnce More With Feeling3:14not ratedMP32004
PlaceboPure MorningOnce More With Feeling3:59not ratedMP32004
PlaceboPure MorningWithout You I´m Nothing4:14not ratedCD1998
PlaceboScared Of GirlsWithout You I´m Nothing3:00not ratedCD1998
PlaceboSecond SightSleeping With Ghosts2:50not ratedMP32003
PlaceboSlave To The WageOnce More With Feeling3:46not ratedMP32004
PlaceboSlave To The WageBlack Market Music4:06not ratedCD2000
PlaceboSleeping With GhostsSleeping With Ghosts4:39not ratedMP32003
PlaceboSomething RottenSleeping With Ghosts5:29not ratedMP32003
PlaceboSong To Say GoodbyeDe Afrekening 403:51not ratedMP32006
PlaceboSong to Say GoodbyeMeds3:36not ratedMP32006
PlaceboSpace MonkeyMeds3:53not ratedMP32006
PlaceboSpeak In TonguesBattle for the Sun4:06not ratedMP32009
PlaceboSpecial KOnce More With Feeling3:50not ratedMP32004
PlaceboSpecial KBlack Market Music3:52not ratedCD2000
PlaceboSpecial KDe Afrekening 243:49not ratedMP32001
PlaceboSpecial NeedsOnce More With Feeling3:29not ratedMP32004
PlaceboSpecial NeedsSleeping With Ghosts5:16not ratedMP32003
PlaceboSpite & MaliceBlack Market Music3:37not ratedCD2000
PlaceboSummer`s GoneWithout You I´m Nothing3:05not ratedCD1998
PlaceboSwallowPlacebo22:24not ratedMP31996
PlaceboTaste In MenOnce More With Feeling3:59not ratedMP32004
PlaceboTaste In MenDe Afrekening 233:58not ratedMP32000
PlaceboTaste In MenBlack Market Music4:14not ratedCD2000
PlaceboTeenage AngstPlacebo2:42not ratedMP31996

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