Complete list of zygaena's songs

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Artist Title Album Duration Rating Format Released
Magnolia Electric CoI Can Not Have Seen The LightWhat Comes After The Blues5:43not ratedMP32005
Magnolia Electric CoLeave The CityWhat Comes After The Blues4:28not ratedMP32005
Magnolia Electric CoLeave The CityTrials And Errors6:21not ratedMP32005
Magnolia Electric CoNorth StarTrials And Errors8:26not ratedMP32005
Magnolia Electric CoNorthstar BluesWhat Comes After The Blues5:08not ratedMP32005
Magnolia Electric CoRing The BellTrials And Errors6:01not ratedMP32005
Magnolia Electric CoSuch Pretty Eyes For A SnakeTrials And Errors8:49not ratedMP32005
Magnolia Electric CoThe Big BeastTrials And Errors7:58not ratedMP32005
Magnolia Electric CoThe Dark Don't Hide ItTrials And Errors5:51not ratedMP32005
Magnolia Electric CoThe Dark Don't Hide ItWhat Comes After The Blues4:15not ratedMP32005
Magnolia Electric CoThe Last 3 Human WordsTrials And Errors7:11not ratedMP32005
Magnolia Electric CoThe Night Shift LullabyWhat Comes After The Blues4:33not ratedMP32005
MagnusAssault on MagnusThe body gave you everything7:14not ratedMP32004
MagnusButtburnerThe body gave you everything4:42not ratedMP32004
MagnusFrench moviesThe body gave you everything3:57not ratedMP32004
MagnusHunter-collectorThe body gave you everything4:34not ratedMP32004
MagnusJumpneedleThe body gave you everything4:11not ratedMP32004
MagnusPistolero savvyThe body gave you everything2:46not ratedMP32004
MagnusRhythm is deifiedThe body gave you everything4:09not ratedMP32004
MagnusRock chickThe body gave you everything3:33not ratedMP32004
MagnusSoft foot shuffleThe body gave you everything4:07not ratedMP32004
MagnusSummer's hereThe body gave you everything4:27not ratedMP32004
MagnusSummer's HereDe Afrekening 314:19not ratedMP32003
MagnusSummer's HereLate Nite Reworks4:24not ratedMP32005
MagnusThe pick-upThe body gave you everything4:05not ratedMP32004

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