Complete list of zygaena's songs

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Artist Title Album Duration Rating Format Released
Katy PerryThe One That Got AwayHitzone 603:47not ratedMP32012
Katy PerryThinking Of YouHitzone 493:59not ratedMP32009
Katy PerryThis Is How We DoHitzone 713:22not ratedMP32014
Katy PerryWaking Up In VegasHitzone Best of 20093:21not ratedMP32009
Katy PerryWaking Up In VegasHitzone 503:19not ratedMP32009
Katy PerryWide AwakeHitzone 633:39not ratedMP32012
Katy Perry & Snoop DoggCalifornia Gurls Feat Snoop DoggHitzone Best of 20103:56not ratedMP32010
Katy Perry Feat. Snoop DoggCalifornia GurlsHitzone 543:55not ratedMP32010
Katy Perry ft. Juicy JDark horseHitzone 693:37not ratedMP32014
Katy RoseBecause I CanBecause I Can4:22not ratedMP32004
Katy RoseCatch My FallBecause I Can5:41not ratedMP32004
Katy RoseEnchantedBecause I Can5:14not ratedMP32004
Katy RoseGlowBecause I Can4:55not ratedMP32004
Katy RoseI LikeBecause I Can5:19not ratedMP32004
Katy RoseLemonBecause I Can6:30not ratedMP32004
Katy RoseOriginal SkinBecause I Can5:55not ratedMP32004
Katy RoseOverdriveBecause I Can4:25not ratedMP32004
Katy RoseSnowflakesBecause I Can5:06not ratedMP32004
Katy RoseTeachin' Myself to DreamBecause I Can4:37not ratedMP32004
Katy RoseVacationBecause I Can3:23not ratedMP32004
Katy RoseWatching the RainBecause I Can3:43not ratedMP32004
KawadaLied Van De ZeeRaymond & Zijn Jonge Helden4:04not ratedMP32006
Kay StarrIf I Could Be With You One Hour TonightJazz Greats Vol14 (The women)2:47not ratedMP31996
KayakA Million YearsNight Vision4:37not ratedMP32001
KayakAll Over AgainNight Vision5:06not ratedMP32001

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