Complete list of zygaena's songs

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Artist Title Album Duration Rating Format Released
Joni MitchellLesson In SurvivalFor The Roses3:11not ratedCD1972
Joni MitchellLet The Wind Carry MeFor The Roses3:56not ratedCD1972
Joni MitchellLittle GreenBlue3:27not ratedCD1971
Joni MitchellLoveTravelogue5:40not ratedCD2002
Joni MitchellLucky (rap)Mingus0:04not ratedMP31979
Joni MitchellMarcieSong to a Seagull4:35not ratedMP31968
Joni MitchellMichael From MountainsSong to a Seagull3:41not ratedMP31968
Joni MitchellMorning MorgantownLadies of the Canyon3:13not ratedMP31970
Joni MitchellMy Old ManBlue3:34not ratedCD1971
Joni MitchellMy Secret PlaceChalk Mark In A Rain Storm5:03not ratedCD1988
Joni MitchellNathan La FraneerSong to a Seagull3:18not ratedMP31968
Joni MitchellNight In The CitySong to a Seagull2:30not ratedMP31968
Joni MitchellNight Of The IguanaShine4:38not ratedMP32007
Joni MitchellNo ApologiesThe Beginning of Survival4:17not ratedMP32004
Joni MitchellNot To BlameTurbulent Indigo4:18not ratedCD1994
Joni MitchellNothing Can Be DoneDreamland4:52not ratedMP32004
Joni MitchellNumber OneChalk Mark In A Rain Storm3:48not ratedCD1988
Joni MitchellOne Week Last SummerShine4:59not ratedMP32007
Joni MitchellOtis and MarlenaTravelogue3:54not ratedCD2002
Joni MitchellPassion Play (The Story of Jesus and Zachius... The Little Tax Collector)The Beginning of Survival5:19not ratedMP32004
Joni MitchellPeople's PartiesCourt And Spark2:14not ratedMP31974
Joni MitchellRaised On RobberyCourt And Spark3:06not ratedMP31974
Joni MitchellRaniny Night HouseLadies of the Canyon3:24not ratedMP31970
Joni MitchellRefuge Of The RoadsHejira6:38not ratedCD1976
Joni MitchellRefuge of the RoadsTravelogue7:58not ratedCD2002

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