Title |
Album |
Duration |
Rating |
Format |
Released |
Händel | Welcome as the dawn of day | The King's Consort Baroque Collection | 3:37 | not rated | CD | 1997 |
Händel | Who is like unto Thee, O Lord? | The King's Consort Baroque Collection | 3:37 | not rated | CD | 1997 |
Handel, G.F. | Abbrugio, avampo e fremo | Rinaldo | 2:45 | not rated | CD | 1977 |
Handel, G.F. | Act 1: Delle nostre fatiche-Sovra balze scoscesi-Signor, già dal tuo senno | Rinaldo | 6:50 | not rated | CD | 1977 |
Handel, G.F. | Act 2: Siam prossimi al porto-A quel sasso bramato | Rinaldo | 5:57 | not rated | CD | 1977 |
Handel, G.F. | Al trionfo - Di quei strani accidenti | Rinaldo | 4:07 | not rated | CD | 1977 |
Handel, G.F. | All they that see him (tenor, accompagnato) | Messiah | 0:46 | not rated | CD | 1988 |
Handel, G.F. | All we like sheep have gone astray (chorus) | Messiah | 3:54 | not rated | CD | 1988 |
Handel, G.F. | And he shall purify (chorus) | Messiah | 2:25 | not rated | CD | 1988 |
Handel, G.F. | And the glory of the lord shall be revealed (chorus) | Messiah | 2:51 | not rated | CD | 1988 |
Handel, G.F. | And with his stripes we are healed (chorus) | Messiah | 1:52 | not rated | CD | 1988 |
Handel, G.F. | Andate, o forti - Oh, di bella virtu - Mori, svenata | Rinaldo | 5:34 | not rated | CD | 1977 |
Handel, G.F. | Augelleti, che cantate-Adorato mio sposo | Rinaldo | 5:19 | not rated | CD | 1977 |
Handel, G.F. | Basta che sol tu chieda-Cingetemi d'alloro | Rinaldo | 5:16 | not rated | CD | 1977 |
Handel, G.F. | Battaglia | Rinaldo | 1:43 | not rated | CD | 1977 |
Handel, G.F. | Behold the Lamb of God (chorus) | Messiah | 3:17 | not rated | CD | 1988 |
Handel, G.F. | Behold, a virgin shall concieive (contralto, recitative) | Messiah | 0:29 | not rated | CD | 1988 |
Handel, G.F. | Behold, and see if there be any sorrow (tenor, arioso) | Messiah | 1:59 | not rated | CD | 1988 |
Handel, G.F. | Behold, I tell you a mystery (bass, recitative) | Messiah | 0:31 | not rated | CD | 1988 |
Handel, G.F. | Bel pacere - Signor, l'oste nemica | Rinaldo | 3:12 | not rated | CD | 1977 |
Handel, G.F. | But thanks be to God (chorus) | Messiah | 2:12 | not rated | CD | 1988 |
Handel, G.F. | But thou didst not leave his soul (soprano, air) | Messiah | 2:08 | not rated | CD | 1988 |
Handel, G.F. | But who may abide the day of his coming (alto, air) | Messiah | 4:45 | not rated | CD | 1988 |
Handel, G.F. | Cara sposa, amante cara | Rinaldo | 9:11 | not rated | CD | 1977 |
Handel, G.F. | Ch'insolito stupore-Cor ingrato, ti rammembri-Io allora impugno il brando | Rinaldo | 5:29 | not rated | CD | 1977 |