Complete list of zygaena's songs

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Artist Title Album Duration Rating Format Released
Drs. PVrijheidsideaalHet praatcafé van Drs. P3:38not ratedCD1990
Drs. PWinterdorpCompilé Sur CD1:43not ratedMP31991
Drs. PZondaarsHet praatcafé van Drs. P2:15not ratedCD1990
Dru HillHow Deep Is Your LoveTMF Hitzone 054:02not ratedMP31999
DrugstoreEl PresidentDe Afrekening 162:48not ratedMP31998
Drums Are for ParadesA Salesman's PenMaster4:02not ratedMP32010
Drums Are for ParadesAnother Kind of BadMaster2:29not ratedMP32010
Drums Are For ParadesAnother Kind Of BadDe Afrekening 492:28not ratedMP32010
Drums Are for ParadesBoys Was in the Death RoomMaster4:55not ratedMP32010
Drums Are for ParadesGoldMaster2:22not ratedMP32010
Drums Are for ParadesHello PedestrianMaster4:21not ratedMP32010
Drums Are for ParadesI'm Not Who You Think We AreMaster3:09not ratedMP32010
Drums Are for ParadesI'm the Princess, You're the WoodsMaster2:56not ratedMP32010
Drums Are for ParadesOpium Den Idiot CheckMaster3:32not ratedMP32010
Drums Are for ParadesThe BeastMaster2:19not ratedMP32010
Drums Are for ParadesThe LawMaster3:13not ratedMP32010
Dry Branch Fire SquadMemories That Bless & BurnThe Angels are Singing4:57not ratedMP31997
Dschinghis KhanDschinghis Khan50 Years Of Eurovision3:03not ratedMP32005
Dub KultOn and OnNightdrive2:31not ratedMP32005
DublinersA Pub With No BeerBest Of2:27not ratedMP31999
DublinersA Pub With No BeerEssential Collection2:27not ratedMP31988
DublinersAll For Me GrogBest Of3:02not ratedMP31999
DublinersBallad Of St. Anne S Reel25 Years Celebration3:18not ratedCD1987
DublinersBlack Velvet BandEssential Collection4:30not ratedMP31988
DublinersBlack Velvet Band (Tooral-I-Addy)Best Of4:28not ratedMP31999

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