The Cure (14 albums)

Artist Title Format Released Rating Duration
The Cure4:13 DreamMP32008not rated52:37
The CureBoys Don't CryMP31980not rated33:38
The CureDisintegrationMP31989not rated1:12:14
The CureFaithMP31981not rated36:49
The CureKiss Me, Kiss Me, Kiss MeMP31987not rated1:13:12
The CureKiss Me, Kiss Me, Kiss Me (Deluxe)MP32006not rated2:26:13
The CurePornographyMP31982not rated43:09
The CureSeventeen SecondsMP31980not rated35:39
The CureStaring At The SeaMP31986not rated1:01:53
The CureThe CureMP32004not rated51:05
The CureThe Head On The DoorMP31985not rated37:23
The CureThe Head On The Door (Deluxe)MP32006not rated1:38:56
The CureThe TopMP31984not rated40:51
The CureThe Top (Deluxe)MP32006not rated1:45:55