Steeleye Span (16 albums)

Artist Title Format Released Rating Duration
Steeleye SpanAll Around My HatMP31975not rated38:20
Steeleye SpanBack in LineMP31986not rated44:03
Steeleye SpanBelow The SaltMP31972not rated39:13
Steeleye SpanHark! The Village WaitMP31970not rated38:23
Steeleye SpanHorkstow GrangeMP31999not rated45:54
Steeleye SpanNow We Are SixMP31974not rated
Steeleye SpanParcel of RoguesMP31973not rated39:16
Steeleye SpanPlease to See the KingMP31990not rated30:55
Steeleye SpanSails of SilverMP31980not rated50:01
Steeleye SpanSpanning The YearsMP31995not rated2:28:23
Steeleye SpanTempted And TriedMP31989not rated43:00
Steeleye SpanTen Man MopMP31971not rated36:52
Steeleye SpanThe Best ofMP31984not rated47:05
Steeleye SpanThey Called Her BabylonMP32004not rated55:50
Steeleye SpanTimeMP31996not rated58:35
Steeleye SpanWinterMP32004not rated59:03