Patti Smith Group (11 albums)

Artist Title Format Released Rating Duration
Patti SmithDream Of LifeCD1988not rated42:22
Patti SmithGone AgainCD1996not rated55:56
Patti SmithHorsesMP31975not rated46:42
Patti SmithHorses (Legacy Ed.)MP32005not rated1:54:01
Patti SmithLandMP32002not rated2:23:49
Patti SmithPlugged And UnpluggedMP32001not rated2:29:52
Patti SmithRadio EthiopiaMP31976not rated48:13
Patti SmithTrampin'MP32004not rated1:03:42
Patti SmithTwelveMP32007not rated56:43
Patti SmithWaveMP31979not rated38:08
Patti Smith GroupEasterCD1978not rated40:18