Nanci Griffith (13 albums)

Artist Title Format Released Rating Duration
Nanci GriffithBlue Roses From The MoonsMP31997not rated48:57
Nanci GriffithClock Without HandsMP32001not rated48:57
Nanci GriffithFlyerMP31994not rated56:05
Nanci GriffithLate Night Grande HotelMP31991not rated38:39
Nanci GriffithLittle Love AffairsMP31988not rated36:28
Nanci GriffithOther Voices, Other RoomsMP31993not rated1:02:12
Nanci GriffithOther Voices, TooMP31998not rated1:12:29
Nanci GriffithPoet In My WindowMP31982not rated37:25
Nanci GriffithRuby's TorchMP32006not rated41:45
Nanci GriffithStormsMP31989not rated37:56
Nanci GriffithThe Last of the True BelieversMP31986not rated36:33
Nanci GriffithThere's A Light Beyond These WoodsMP31978not rated37:48
Nanci GriffithWinter MarqueeMP32002not rated58:38