Joni Mitchell (16 albums)

Artist Title Format Released Rating Duration
Joni MitchellBlueCD1971not rated36:13
Joni MitchellBoth Sides NowMP32000not rated51:36
Joni MitchellChalk Mark In A Rain StormCD1988not rated46:25
Joni MitchellCloudsMP31969not rated37:42
Joni MitchellCourt And SparkMP31974not rated36:49
Joni MitchellDreamlandMP32004not rated1:17:00
Joni MitchellFor The RosesCD1972not rated40:24
Joni MitchellHejiraCD1976not rated51:55
Joni MitchellLadies of the CanyonMP31970not rated44:51
Joni MitchellMingusMP31979not rated37:21
Joni MitchellShineMP32007not rated46:51
Joni MitchellSong to a SeagullMP31968not rated38:01
Joni MitchellThe Beginning of SurvivalMP32004not rated1:18:55
Joni MitchellThe Hissing Of Summer LawnsMP31975not rated42:34
Joni MitchellTravelogueCD2002not rated2:07:07
Joni MitchellTurbulent IndigoCD1994not rated43:06