Bob Dylan (80 albums, 1 bookmark)

Artist Title Format Released Rating Duration
Bob Dylan30th Anniversary Concert CelebrationMP31993not rated2:28:28
Bob DylanAll Hallows Eve & MoreMP31996not rated1:56:36
Bob DylanAlmost Went To See ElvisMP31997not rated56:59
Bob DylanAmerican Journey 1956-1966MP32004not rated54:27
Bob DylanAnother side of Bob DylanCD1964not rated50:26
Bob DylanAt BudokanMP31979not rated1:42:43
Bob DylanBBC in ConcertMP32003not rated1:05:20
Bob DylanBathed In A Stream Of Pure HeatMP31997not rated2:24:05
Bob DylanBefore The FloodMP31974not rated1:32:37
Bob DylanBetween Saved and ShotCD1999not rated1:13:50
Bob DylanBiographCD1985not rated3:36:52
Bob DylanBlonde on BlondeCD1966not rated1:13:13
Bob DylanBlood On The TracksCD1974not rated51:53
Bob DylanBluesMP32006not rated47:59
Bob DylanBob DylanMP31962not rated36:42
Bob DylanBringing It All Back HomeMP31965not rated47:29
Bob DylanBroadsideMP31995not rated1:06:31
Bob DylanChristmas In the HeartMP32009not rated42:12
Bob DylanCocaine BluesMP31999not rated32:45
Bob DylanDesireCD1975not rated56:12
Bob DylanDown In The GrooveMP31988not rated32:01
Bob DylanDylanMP31973not rated33:32
Bob DylanDylan & The DeadMP31989not rated44:08
Bob DylanElectric Black Nite CrashMP31998not rated1:07:44
Bob DylanEmpire BurlesqueMP31985not rated46:54
Bob DylanEssential Bob DylanMP32000not rated2:05:00
Bob DylanGood As I Been To YouMP31992not rated55:28
Bob DylanGreatest HitsMP31967not rated40:16
Bob DylanHard RainMP31976not rated51:15
Bob DylanHighway 61 RevisitedCD1965not rated51:37
Bob DylanInfidelsCD1983not rated42:14
Bob DylanJohn Wesley HardingMP31967not rated38:31
Bob DylanKnocked Out LoadedMP31986not rated35:33
Bob DylanLive 1961-2000: Thirty-nine Years Of Great Concert PerformancesCD2001not rated1:12:42
Bob DylanLive 1975: The Rolling Thunder RevueCD2002not rated1:41:55
Bob DylanLive At The Gaslight 1962MP32005not rated46:25
Bob DylanLove and theftCD2001not rated1:05:55
Bob DylanLovesickMP32004not rated40:00
Bob DylanModern TimesMP32006not rated1:21:54
Bob DylanNashville SkylineCD1969not rated27:04
Bob DylanNever Ending Tour CoversMP32001not rated11:17:55
Bob DylanNew MorningMP31970not rated36:05
Bob DylanOK, I Still Get StonedMP31978not rated1:11:21
Bob DylanOh MercyCD1989not rated38:59
Bob DylanPat Garrett & Billy the KidCD1973not rated35:23
Bob DylanPeco's BluesMP31973not rated1:10:11
Bob DylanPittsfield Massachusetts, 2005MP32005not rated1:45:59
Bob DylanPlanet WavesCD1974not rated42:04
Bob DylanReal LiveMP31984not rated52:20
Bob DylanRock SolidMP31995not rated47:40
Bob DylanRough CutsMP31993not rated2:24:19
Bob DylanSan José '92MP31993not rated1:18:06
Bob DylanSavedMP31980not rated42:50
Bob DylanSelf PortraitMP31970not rated1:14:09
Bob DylanShot Of LoveMP31981not rated44:43
Bob DylanSlow Train ComingMP31979not rated46:38
Bob DylanSongs For BonnieMP32002not rated1:18:54
Bob DylanStreet LegalMP31978not rated49:36
Bob DylanStud Terkel's Wax MuseumMP31994not rated1:05:29
Bob DylanSun City (8.04.2006)MP32006not rated1:34:10
Bob DylanTales of a Mexican PainterMP31966not rated1:36:54
Bob DylanThe Basement TapesCD1975not rated1:17:34
Bob DylanThe Bootleg Series, Vol. 1CD1991not rated1:17:08
Bob DylanThe Bootleg Series, Vol. 2CD1991not rated1:16:46
Bob DylanThe Bootleg Series, Vol. 3CD1991not rated1:16:56
Bob DylanThe Bootleg Series, Vol. 4MP31998not rated1:35:18
Bob DylanThe Bootleg Series, Vol. 6MP32004not rated1:44:10
Bob DylanThe Bootleg Series, Vol. 7MP32005not rated2:24:20
Bob DylanThe Bootleg Series, Vol. 8: Tell Tale SignsMP32008not rated2:17:06
Bob DylanThe Bootleg Series, Vol. 9: The Witmark Demos (1962-1964)MP32010not rated2:30:03
Bob DylanThe Freewheelin' Bob DylanCD1963not rated50:07
Bob DylanThe Freewheelin' OuttakesMP31993not rated1:12:29
Bob DylanThe Reissue Series SamplerMP32003not rated33:31
Bob DylanThe Times They Are A-Changin'CD1964not rated45:27
Bob DylanTime Out Of MindCD1997not rated1:12:50
Bob DylanTogether Through LifeMP32009not rated1:45:43
Bob DylanUnder The Red SkyMP31990not rated35:33
Bob DylanUnpluggedCD1995not rated1:09:20
Bob DylanWorld Gone WrongMP31993not rated43:52
Bob DylanYesterday (Harrison Session) 5-1-70MP31995not rated56:59
