Bert Jansch (15 albums, 1 bookmark)

Artist Title Format Released Rating Duration
Bert JanschAcoustic RoutesMP32002not rated41:54
Bert JanschBert JanschMP31965not rated38:51
Bert JanschBirthday BluesMP31969not rated33:08
Bert JanschBlackwater SideMP31998not rated2:00:39
Bert JanschIt Don't Bother MeMP31965not rated56:23
Bert JanschJack Orion & NicolaMP31997not rated1:04:41
Bert JanschMoonshineMP31973not rated38:45
Bert JanschRosemary LaneMP31971not rated37:26
Bert JanschSanta Barbara HoneymoonMP31975not rated39:14
Bert JanschThe Best OfMP31980not rated1:06:05
Bert JanschThe Black SwanMP32006not rated44:41
Bert JanschThe Ornament TreeMP31990not rated
Bert JanschThirteen DownMP31980not rated38:49
Bert JanschToy BalloonMP31998not rated44:42
Bert JanschWhen The Circus Come To TownMP31995not rated46:41