Drums and Guns

Low - Drums and Guns

  • Release date: 2007
  • Genre: Slowcore
  • Format: MP3
  • Duration: 41:22
  • not rated
  • Added June 20, 2007


1. Pretty Peoplenot rated3:01
2. Belarusnot rated3:17
3. Breakernot rated2:53
4. Dragonflynot rated3:44
5. Sandinistanot rated2:22
6. Always Fadenot rated3:57
7. Dust On The Windownot rated4:12
8. Hatchetnot rated2:18
9. Your Poisonnot rated1:13
10. Take Your Timenot rated4:18
11. In Silencenot rated2:46
12. Murderernot rated3:43
13. Violent Pastnot rated3:38

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