The Mountain Goats

The Mountain Goats - Sweden

  • Release date: 1995
  • Genre: Lo-Fi
  • Format: MP3
  • Duration: 45:26
  • not rated
  • Added August 21, 2005


1. The Recognition Scenenot rated2:50
2. Downtown Seoulnot rated2:54
3. Some Swedish Treesnot rated2:05
4. I Wonder Where Our Love Has Gonenot rated2:35
5. Deianara Crushnot rated1:53
6. Whole Wide Worldnot rated2:14
7. Flashing Lightsnot rated2:31
8. Sept 19 Triple X Love! Love!not rated2:24
9. Going to Queensnot rated2:26
10. TahitianAmbrosia Makernot rated1:47
11. Going to Bolivianot rated1:38
12. Tollund Mannot rated2:34
13. California Songnot rated1:55
14. Snow Crush Killing Songnot rated2:47
15. Send Me An Angelnot rated1:47
16. Neon Orange Glimmer Songnot rated3:08
17. FMnot rated1:46
18. Prana Feroxnot rated4:05
19. Cold Milk Bottlenot rated2:07

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