CD1 |
1. Tanzen und springen - Hans Leo Hassler | not rated | 1:08 |
2. Mein Gmut is mir verwirret - Hans Leo Hassler | not rated | 3:12 |
3. Wenn Filli ihre Liebenstrahl - Johann Hermann Schein | not rated | 2:07 |
4. Ein Musikus wollt frohlich sein - Leonhard Lechner | not rated | 2:01 |
5. Ach Elslein - Ludwig Senfl | not rated | 2:43 |
6. Ich stund an einem Morgen - Clemens non Papa | not rated | 2:04 |
7. Nun hort, ihr Herrn, ein neus Gedicht - Erasmus Widmann | not rated | 2:14 |
8. Besser is gut Wein den Bier - Roland de Lassus | not rated | 0:45 |
9. Innsbruck, ich muss dich lassen - Heinrich Isaac | not rated | 2:46 |
10. Der Kolner Markt - Nikolaus Zangius | not rated | 2:54 |
11. Een meysken eens voerbij passeerde - Anonymous | not rated | 2:34 |
12. Een costerken op sijn clockenclanc - Carolus Souliaert | not rated | 2:32 |
13. Noch weet ick een schoen ioffrau fyn - Nicolas Liegeois | not rated | 2:56 |
14. O amoureusich mondeken root - Jacob Florius | not rated | 2:20 |
15. Lecker beetgen en cleyn bier - Josquin Baston | not rated | 1:49 |
16. Ay, ay, ay, ay, que ravio y muero - Juan Vasquez | not rated | 2:56 |
17. Soleta so jo aci - Anonymous | not rated | 1:26 |
18. Nino Dios d'amor herido - Francisco Guerrero | not rated | 2:23 |
19. La Justa - Mateo Flecha | not rated | 12:04 |
20. Bon jour mon coeur - Roland de Lassus | not rated | 1:33 |
21. Perdre le sens devant vous - Claude le Jeune | not rated | 2:14 |
22. Autant en emporte le vent - Pierre de la Rue | not rated | 1:21 |
23. Martin - Clement Jannequin | not rated | 1:37 |
24. Sur tous regretz - Mathieu Pipelare | not rated | 1:39 |
25. Fyez vous y si vous voulez - Clement Jannequin | not rated | 1:19 |
| 1:02:37 |
CD2 |
1. Baisez moi, ma douce amie - Josquin des Pres | not rated | 1:25 |
2. Mille regretz - Josquin des Pres | not rated | 1:44 |
3. Quandi il survient - Pierre de la Rue | not rated | 1:15 |
4. Pourquoi non - Pierre de la Rue | not rated | 2:33 |
5. Un petit coup - Clement Jannequin | not rated | 1:45 |
6. La nuit froide et sombre - Roland de Lasus | not rated | 2:55 |
7. Now is the month of Maying - Thomas Morley | not rated | 1:43 |
8. Rest, sweet nymphs - Francis Pilkington | not rated | 2:50 |
9. Come again! - John Dowland | not rated | 3:53 |
10. Down the hills Corinna trips - Thomas Bateson | not rated | 2:22 |
11. Some men desire spouses - Thomas Weelkes | not rated | 1:25 |
12. The silver swan - Orlando Gibbons | not rated | 1:59 |
13. Lamento d'Arianna - Claudio Monteverdi | not rated | 14:32 |
14. Il bianco e dolce cigno - Jacques Arcadelt | not rated | 1:58 |
15. Amor mi fa morire - Adriaan Willaert | not rated | 3:11 |
16. La bella ninfa mia - Luca Marenzio | not rated | 2:25 |
17. Ecco moriro dunque! - Don Carlo Gesualdo | not rated | 3:06 |
18. Sfogava con le stelle - Claudio Monteverdi | not rated | 3:02 |
19. Belta poi che t'assenti - Don Carlo Gesualdo | not rated | 3:23 |
20. Madonna, io v'amo e taccio - Constanzo Festa | not rated | 1:39 |
21. Matona mia cara - Roland de Lassus | not rated | 2:37 |
22. Contraponto bestiale all mente - Adriano Banchieri | not rated | 1:24 |
23. Quel augellin che canta - Claudio Monteverdi | not rated | 1:48 |
24. Chi la gagliarda, donne, vo' imprare - Baldassare Donato | not rated | 1:01 |
| 1:05:55 |
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