Sufjan Stevens

Sufjan Stevens - Illinois

  • Release date: 2005
  • Genre: Indie
  • Format: MP3
  • Duration: 1:14:03
  • not rated
  • Added April 26, 2005


1. Concerning the UFO Sighting Near Highland, ILnot rated2:09
2. The Black Hawk War, or, How to Demolish an Entire Civilization and Still Feel Good About Yourself in the Morning, or, Wenot rated2:14
3. Come on! Feel the Illinoise -Part I: The World's Columbian Expositionnot rated6:45
4. John Wayne Gacy, Jrnot rated3:19
5. Jacksonvillenot rated5:24
6. A Short Reprise for Mary Todd, Who Went Insane, But for Very Good Reasonsnot rated0:47
7. Decatur, or, Round of Applause for Your Step Mother!not rated3:03
8. One Last "Woo-hoo!" for the Pullmannot rated0:06
9. Chicagonot rated6:04
10. Casimir Pulaski Daynot rated5:54
11. To the Workers of the Rockford River Valley Region, I have an Idea Concerning Your Predicament, and it involves shoe strnot rated1:40
12. The Man of Metropolis Steals Our Heartsnot rated6:17
13. Prairie Fire That Wanders Aboutnot rated2:11
14. A Conjunction of Drones Simulating the Way in Which Sufjan Stevens Has an Existential Crisis in the Great Godfrey Mazenot rated0:19
15. The Predatory Wasp of the Palisades Is Out to Get Us!not rated5:23
16. They Are Night Zombies!! They Are Neighbors!! They Have Come Back From the Dead!! Ahhhhh!not rated5:09
17. Let's Hear That String Part Again, Because I Don't Think They Heard It All the Way Out in Bushnellnot rated0:40
18. In This Temple, as in the Hearts of Man, for Whom He Saved the Earthnot rated0:35
19. The Seer's Towernot rated3:54
20. The Tallest Man, the Broadest Shoulders-Part I: The Great Frontiernot rated7:03
21. Riffs and Variations on a Single Note for Jelly Roll, Earl Hines, Louis Armstrong, Baby Dodds, and the King of Swing, tonot rated0:46
22. Out of Egypt, into the Great Laugh of Mankind, and I shake the dirt from my sandals as I runnot rated4:21

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