The Dawn

Prince - The Dawn

  • Release date: 1995
  • Genre: Funk
  • Format: MP3
  • Duration: 3:29:52
  • not rated
  • Added August 5, 2006


1. Welcome 2 The Dawnnot rated2:05
2. Npg Operatornot rated0:12
3. Come (Part 1)not rated4:22
4. Endorphin Machinenot rated3:51
5. Spacenot rated5:11
6. Days Of Wildnot rated7:17
7. Npg Operatornot rated0:17
8. The Most Beautiful Girl In The Worldnot rated4:55
9. The Popenot rated4:33
10. Ripopgodazippanot rated4:37
11. Npg Operatornot rated0:06
12. Racenot rated7:27
13. Empty Roomnot rated3:16
14. Npg Operatornot rated0:07
15. Madnot rated5:30
16. Rock & Roll Is Alivenot rated4:32
17. Shhhnot rated6:58
18. Strays Of The Worldnot rated4:42
1. Pussy Controlnot rated5:40
2. Npg Operatornot rated0:10
3. Peachnot rated3:05
4. Chaos & Disordernot rated4:13
5. Shynot rated4:56
6. Npg Operatornot rated0:15
7. Pheromonenot rated4:28
8. 319not rated3:19
9. Hide The Bonenot rated5:06
10. 18 & Overnot rated6:22
11. Npg Operatornot rated0:13
12. Lemme See That Body Get Loosenot rated4:32
13. Papanot rated2:48
14. Npg Operatornot rated0:06
15. Billy Jack Bitchnot rated7:06
16. I Hate Younot rated8:51
17. Let It Gonot rated5:32
18. Dont Talk To Strangersnot rated3:13
1. Interactivenot rated3:02
2. Acknowledge Menot rated6:34
3. Npg Operatornot rated0:10
4. Somebodys Somebodynot rated3:43
5. Love Signnot rated4:31
6. Whats My Namenot rated3:03
7. The Ridenot rated7:36
8. Npg Operatornot rated0:20
9. Nownot rated4:00
10. Face Downnot rated2:10
11. Npg Operatornot rated0:13
12. 2morrownot rated4:19
13. The Same Decembernot rated3:27
14. Extraordinarynot rated2:26
15. Dolphinnot rated6:18
16. Come (Part 2)not rated10:05
17. Npg Operatornot rated0:39
18. Goldnot rated7:23

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