Admiral Freebee

Admiral Freebee - Songs

  • Release date: 2005
  • Genre: Rock
  • Format: MP3
  • Duration: 49:50
  • not rated
  • Added March 24, 2005


1. The Worst is Yet to Comenot rated4:53
2. Lucky Onenot rated4:11
3. Recipe for Disasternot rated3:29
4. Sad Rebelnot rated3:57
5. Boy You Never Foundnot rated4:06
6. Oh Darknessnot rated3:37
7. Hope Alonenot rated2:51
8. Carry on (for Tessa and Arthurnot rated4:05
9. Waiting for Nothingnot rated3:45
10. Murder of the Sunnot rated4:30
11. Afterglownot rated4:04
12. Framing the Agonynot rated2:35
13. Babys Chestnot rated3:47

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