Michelle Shocked
Short Sharp Shocked

Michelle Shocked - Short Sharp Shocked

  • Release date: 1988
  • Genre: Rock
  • Format: CD
  • Category: folk
  • Duration: 36:31
  • not rated
  • Added March 31, 2004


1. When I Grow Upnot rated3:34
2. Hello Hopevillenot rated2:55
3. Memories of East Texasnot rated3:35
4. (Making the Run to) Gladewaternot rated3:05
5. Graffiti Limbonot rated3:39
6. If Love Was a Trainnot rated4:07
7. Anchoragenot rated3:24
8. The L&N Don't Stop Here Anymorenot rated4:10
9. Vx Fx Dxnot rated2:49
10. Black Widownot rated2:44
11. Fog Townnot rated2:25

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