16 Golden Hits

Melanie - 16 Golden Hits

  • Release date: 1987
  • Genre: Other
  • Format: CD
  • Category: misc
  • Duration: 54:58
  • not rated
  • Added March 15, 2004


1. Beautiful peoplenot rated3:39
2. I really love haroldnot rated4:14
3. Any guynot rated2:14
4. I'm back in townnot rated2:20
5. Animal crackersnot rated2:34
6. Left over winenot rated4:58
7. Look what they've done to my song manot rated4:07
8. Lay downnot rated3:45
9. Good booknot rated2:32
10. Mr. tambourine mannot rated4:24
11. Ruby tuesdaynot rated4:37
12. Nickel songnot rated3:49
13. Peace will comenot rated3:22
14. Uptown downtownnot rated2:11
15. Candles in the rainnot rated3:49
16. I don't eat animalsnot rated2:15

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