Elvis Costello
Out Of Our Idiot

Elvis Costello - Out Of Our Idiot

  • Release date: 1987
  • Genre: Rock
  • Format: MP3
  • Duration: 1:10:43
  • not rated
  • Added September 3, 2005


1. Seven Day Weekendnot rated2:38
2. Turning The Town Rednot rated3:21
3. Heathen Townnot rated3:07
4. The People's Limousinenot rated3:40
5. So Youngnot rated3:27
6. Little Goody Two Shoesnot rated2:28
7. American Without Tears No. 2not rated3:35
8. Get Yourself Another Foolnot rated4:03
9. Walking On Thin Icenot rated3:43
10. Withered And Diednot rated3:16
11. Blue Chairnot rated3:40
12. Baby It's Younot rated3:17
13. From Head To Toenot rated2:36
14. Shoes Without Heelsnot rated4:17
15. Baby's Got A Brand New Hairdonot rated3:23
16. The Flirting Kindnot rated3:00
17. Black Sails In The Sunsetnot rated3:11
18. A Town Called Big Nothing (Really Big Nothing)not rated5:45
19. Big Sisternot rated2:17
20. Imperial Bedroomnot rated2:49
21. The Stamping Groundnot rated3:10

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