Niamh Parsons
Loosely Connected

Niamh Parsons - Loosely Connected

  • Release date: 1995
  • Format: MP3
  • Duration: 49:58
  • not rated
  • Added January 27, 2004


1. Streets of Forbesnot rated6:00
2. Tinkerman's Daughternot rated6:10
3. Little Big Timenot rated3:43
4. Lover's Ghostnot rated3:09
5. Man of Arrannot rated4:40
6. North Amerikaynot rated5:16
7. We Two Peoplenot rated3:15
8. One Morning in Maynot rated4:33
9. Play a Merry Jignot rated3:44
10. Where are You [Tonight I Wonder]not rated4:35
11. Don't Give Your Heart Awaynot rated4:53

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